Monday, October 5, 2009

The deal is done. Let's live with it!

After the Irish vote the EU Constitution known as the Lisbon Treaty is pretty much a fixture. It has been imposed from above and I suspect that in time the people who were never consulted at any stage will have questions and some serious reaction. That time is not now. The majority will never find the inclination or time to reason through all the possible abstract outcomes of a constitutional document. They are far reaching and often the outcomes are unintended. The Barons who drew up Magna Carta, for example, did not imagine that it might apply to the rights of ordinary people. More recently the drafters of the Canadian Constitution could not have anticipated that one of its first applications was to allow supermarkets unrestricted hours.
On the one hand our political leaders were right to assume that a constitution is a difficult document to explain, but on the other they were seriously wrong to leave their voters in the dark. There will be a price to pay when voters discover (as at some future point they surely will) that this treaty does impact negatively on their daily lives.
However the deal is done and I rather think we should accept it and get on with life. Most European governments have a lot to attend to in the restoration of the economy and this is particularly true of the British Government.
Which brings me to the ideologues, those in UKIP and the Conservative Party for whom nothing short of withdrawal from the EU will do. Having watched this lot reduce the Conservative Party to an ineffectual rump in the 1990s it would be particularly galling if, on the eve of restoring some half-decent government to the UK, that these ideological clowns became rampant again. Cameron's government will have a big task in cleaning up the irresponsible mess left by Brown. No voter will or should be interested in abstract arguments about the EU.
The deal is done. It was not by democratic choice. Let us now accept that and learn to live with it.

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